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Monday, 25 January 2010

Conference was a giggle yesterday. My friend Yossi asked about sleep. How is it possible to fit the early to bed, early to rise routine of the traditional ashtanga practice into a workday routine. Sharath detailed his own timings. Apparently he goes to bed at 9pm, gets up at 1am, practices, then starts the shala classes at 4.30am through to 10 or 11, lunch at midday, more teaching in the afternoon. He said he hardly ever leaves the shala, "only upstairs and downstairs, my car has only gone 20km from here". Really quite inspirational. If Sharath can fit all that in, then I can fit a daily morning practice in! I've got mobile internet now, which seems good. Probably means I'll blog a bit more. Managed to get kapotasana heels on my first attempt in the led intermediate yesterday! This morning there was a satisfying crunch from my lumbar in kapotasana. Yum yum, tasty yoga.

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